Opinion: Settling the debate: Who is best fit for Rory Gilmore?


Sophia Denzler

VHS shares their opinions on the ultimate Gilmore Guy

There seems to be no true answer to the question of who Rory should’ve ended up with, what team are VHS students on?


First let’s have a rundown on each of Rory’s boyfriends throughout the years.


Caution!! Spoilers ahead, go finish Gilmore Girls and come back.


Going in chronological order, Dean Forester is first up. He is the tall brunette hockey/baseball player who becomes Rory’s first boyfriend. Dean is extremely controlling and possessive. He even breaks up with Rory at one point because she didn’t say “I love you.” Senior Kelsey Urcuyo (Team Dean) said, “It [Dean making Rory a car for their anniversary] shows how much he cares about her, even spending all this time trying to think of something unique as a present to show her.”


At Rory’s new school, she meets Tristan Dugray, a troublemaker who can’t leave her alone. Some don’t consider him as a “real” team, since his screen time was cut short, but he is nevertheless a fan favorite. Junior Rhema Paterson (Team Tristan) said, “Although Tristan was only on the show for a short period of time, the chemistry him and Rory had was very real even though they were young and they seemed to be headed the same direction.”


Next incomes Jess, Jess Mariano is the nephew of local diner owner Luke. Jess moves to Stars Hollow where he and Rory instantly connect over books and music. It is obvious they both have crushes on each other, and Dean eventually breaks up with Rory, leaving the two to date. Jess seemed to be the favorite of many VHS students, but he definitely has his own problems. He has a quick temper and can’t share his feelings or thoughts if his life depended on it. Jess unexplainably leaves Stars Hollow in search of his biological father, without telling Rory. The majority of students who responded to the poll on @the.cougar.press Instagram and said that they were Team Jess, sophomore Kinda Mehael said, “There was something about Jess that Rory gravitated to and it was clear on-screen. […] She helped him grow and become a better man in the future.”


Logan Huntzberger comes into Rory’s life during her time at Yale. He introduces her to a different side of her, being impulsive and taking risks. Logan never planned for a serious girlfriend, but Rory also showed another side of him. Logan proposes to her when she isn’t ready to give an answer, but eventually turns him down on her college graduation day. Freshman Isabella Brito (Team Logan) said, “I think he pushed her to try new things and she pushed him to be a relationship guy.”


There is only one true answer, to each their own.