How soon is too soon for students to begin thinking about Christmas?
Many students think Christmas is the best time of the year, while others could care less about it. There are also students who have already begun watching Christmas movies, listening to Christmas music and decorating their houses. Some may think that this is absurd, but many are already in the holiday spirit. Personally, I feel that anytime before Thanksgiving is too soon.
When I saw that stores such as Target were already putting out Christmas displays and items before Halloween, I was shocked. It was way too soon. However, stores weren’t the only ones with prospicience to Christmas. On the day after Halloween, many students in my classes were talking about listening to Christmas music and decorating their houses. Some students said it was way too soon to be thinking about Christmas, especially since Thanksgiving hasn’t happened yet.
Students who think it’s too early for Christmas generally feel like any time before Thanksgiving is too soon to begin the celebration of Christmas and embracing the festivities.
Miles Hendrych ‘27 said, “I think it’s a little early because I’m already hearing Mariah Carey songs and it’s like Nov. 7, so I think it’s a little early for that.”
Jacob Rodriguez ‘25 said, “It’s a little too early, I think. Thanksgiving hasn’t happened yet.”
While there are some students who think it is too early to get into Christmas, there are others who have been listening to Christmas music since August. These students feel as though Christmas brings lots of joy and should be felt for as long as it can.

Amanda Lubbos ‘25 said, “I think people talking about Christmas early is really good because Christmas is like the best time of the year. It’s awesome to be feeling that spirit for the longest amount of time possible, because the rest of the year is pretty, like boring.”
Arin Salazar ‘25 said, “No, [it’s not too early because] my mom started putting Christmas decorations up.”
In many cases, the reason stores and other places start presenting Christmas things as soon as possible is solely for business, yet people buy it up. So to some, it may seem premature and bizarre to celebrate Christmas early, but to others, it may seem perfectly timed (or even belated). While no answer is right or wrong, it seems safe to say that October, especially before Halloween, is too early for stores to be selling things for Christmas.