What’s up with art in room 20 and 22?
“My favorite thing that we do every year is the chalk festival, because I love chalk art and I love staying out there for like two or three days,” said Minadeo. Photo by: Ava Mohror
February 27, 2022
An inside look at the classes of art teachers Ms. Mckee and Ms. Minadeo
Art teachers Lauren Minadeo and Megan Mckee have been working this year to make art an enjoyable experience for their students. Mckee teaches art one and multicultural arts, and Minadeo teaches art one-three and art history.
“I hope my students take away multiple things [from art class]. I hope they learn how to accept themselves and their talents. I also hope that they accept their faults and that they realize that if they put their mind to things, they will create beautiful artwork and to just be in the moment at all times,” Mckee said.
At the moment, Mckee is working with her art one students on creating booklets that talk about color symbolism based off of the children’s book “The Color Monster.” In her multicultural arts class, they are working on “creating printmaking designs, more of an optical illusion design based off of the artwork of Bridget Riley.” Minadeo is doing similar work with her art one students, they are also creating books on emotions in color and color theory.
Mckee shared her favorite project she does with her students, “I like my giant eyeball assignment, for texture, it’s paper sculptures but we make giant eyeballs, which are just fun and random and weird. I’ve also really enjoyed making hummingbirds out of paper mache.” Art class teaches many different techniques and styles artists use to create art.
When asked what her favorite part about teaching was, Mckee said, “I have to say it’s my students. I love each and every one of my students, they make me so happy, they are a joy. They are always welcome in my classroom, and I just love them.”

Asked the same question, Minadeo said, “Getting to meet so many people, creating relationships, just laughing and learning so much from the students,” are her favorite parts about teaching. Both Minadeo and Mckee encourage a fun and judgment free zone in their classrooms.
Sophomore Alana Thogerson is an art one student in Minadeo’s class. “My favorite part of art class is the environment in the classroom and the ability to express my creativity,” Thogerson said.
Mckee has been teaching art for a long time, but just recently got her teaching credentials in 2019. She has been teaching at Ventura High School for three years.
Minadeo said, “I am in year 19 [of teaching] now, I taught junior high for 11 years, and this is my eighth year at Ventura High School.”
Art class can be thought of as just a way to fill your graduation requirement, but teachers like Mckee and Minadeo work to make art an enjoyable space for students, and wish that students take away life lessons from their classes.
“Everyone and anyone can learn to create art, art is fun,” said Minadeo.