Opinion: VHS boys volleyball kicks butt…except nobody knows
March 25, 2022
I bet you haven’t been to a boys volleyball game, why is that?
When you think of VHS sports, does boys volleyball come to mind? If the answer is no, then it should, because boys volleyball is the most underrated sport at VHS.
Freshman Max Mechtenberg has been playing volleyball since sixth grade, and currently plays middle blocker. Mechtenberg said, “[The environment of the team is] very positive, everyone is part of the team, we are just all there to play and have fun.” On the subject of the recognition boys volleyball receive, he said, “For the amount of interest we have [which is not a lot], it is hard because we don’t have a lot of interest so it is difficult. It is hard competing with Track, in the Spring. If we were in the fall Volleyball would have more interest.” Players such as him, deserve to have support for all of the time they put in. How would you feel if you put time and sweat into your sport and yet no one ever seemed to acknowledge it?

Another member of boys volleyball is sophomore Scott Vreeland who has been playing for two years, said, “I think it could get more recognition but we have a small team.” At the beginning of every week teachers go through a slideshow with everything that’s happening that week. Vreeland said,“I think that teachers do a good job at recognizing our games when they’re on the announcements.”
Boys volleyball is not only the most underrated sport but it’s also the most exciting, as you watch the game you can’t help but feel glamored by the snappy moves of the players and on edge when a player is racing towards a ball. Boys volleyball covers all the emotions, from happy to sad when you go to a game you’ll leave fulfilled and content.
Boys volleyball, along with other VHS sports have garnered significantly less attention than sports, like track and football, though there numbers might be smaller they don’t deserve any less attention or recognition than a football player would.
The day of a football game, themes and excitement sweep through our school, this is well deserved. However, this encouragement should be for every sport. Not one that is being obviously favored. As a VHS community, our goal should be to uplift and highlight the unique skills of each sport, no matter the size