Three posts on Poli Street have recently been embellished
Hanrahan (pictured) worked on the painted posts at Ventura High School. Egbert said, “MB is a local and well-respected Ventura artist who has experience working with the schools.” Photo from: Cherie Egbert
June 16, 2022
One project at a time, VHS is improving the campus with art
Ventura High School’s PTSA commissioned post art to beautify the VHS campus. In April, they started planning and creating sketches with local artist MB Hanrahan. On May 28, Hanrahan started painting three posts on Poli Street. She finished on May 29. “The poppies are golden yellow, like VHS school colors, and the cougars peering through the flowers are all about cougar pride, with a fun and unexpected twist. The PTSA felt passionate about the art project, and was willing to finance it,” said Hanrahan.
Hanrahan has been doing art since a young age, and has assisted in projects on campuses before. She was invited to work on this painting project by VHS PTSA President Cherie Egbert. Egbert was assisting Liz Rose, who is the campus beautification chair on the project. Egbert said, “She [Hanrahan] works hard, shows up, is a good listener, all skills which make her a delight to work with.”
“The whole time I was working on it people walking and driving were shouting encouragement and telling me they really liked it. I’m not a VHS student, so I feel the ultimate success of the project is if students enjoy and respect the art,” said Hanrahan.

Previously, the posts were plain and had chipped paint. According to Egbert, parents had expressed a desire to make the campus more beautiful. Egbert said, “This area is adjacent to the highly used plaza courtyard where we planted 50 shrubs and three trees earlier this year to refurbish the area for Earth Day.” The art came about as an extension of the work the PTSA had previously done, and added more color to the area.
“I think that all of the art showing up around campus is really refreshing and fun to look at, it makes everything not so boring. I thought I saw something different but I couldn’t put my finger on it, I think it adds character to our school,” said junior Jane Armstrong.
“We saw the opportunity to transform and change the energy of this location to make it more inviting and exciting for all who pass by; and with the posts being on Poli street the community and students alike can both enjoy the art,” said Egbert.
“We hope the art posts inspire and spark a little joy in [students’] days,” said Egbert.

Diane Von Heyneman • Jun 16, 2022 at 8:57 pm
Great work as usual Mb.
Kathy Laforce • Jun 16, 2022 at 6:28 pm
Wonderful that MB is working with you!
MB Hanrahan • Jun 16, 2022 at 5:45 pm
Thanks!!!Great article and glad to contribute!!!