Is it a good movie that’s worth your time?
The idea of turning a childhood icon into a serial killer is an invigorating idea to many. In 2023, “Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey” was released in theaters, starring beloved honey eating bear Winnie the Pooh as the violent killer in a slasher film. This was a fan film that was held back by certain legal limitations from Disney. The character may be in the public domain, which is a law that allows the public to use a copyrighted character after 95 years of the character’s creation or 70 years after the author’s death. This still doesn’t give the creators of the movie the exact same rights to Pooh from Disney’s movies as Disney would.
These limitations made the first movie, “Winnie-the-Pooh: Blood and Honey,” not good for many reasons. The budget for the film was very low and the film looked terrible. This was upsetting as I believed the movie had a very fun premise.
The sequel, “Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey 2” was a massive upgrade compared to the first film. I personally enjoyed it more than the original. The characters looked more realistic and were merged into animal-human hybrids, compared to the masks actors wore in the first film. The sequel is genuinely an enjoyable predecessor to the first film and actor Scott Chambers as the new Christopher Robin is better than the first one. The sequel adds more characters to the roster than the first one. For example, Owl and Tigger were added and Piglet returns back from the dead. Sadly, Rabbit does not appear in the movie, but he will appear in the now-confirmed third installation of the “Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey” franchise.

I like that all the characters are different than each other and it’s really shown how they differ individually. Pooh is quiet, Owl talks a lot and Tigger takes a much more savage and animalistic approach to his design, acting more like a tiger than just a murderer in a costume. It’s clear that the producers had much more fun with the villains in this film. Owl’s design looks very similar to a vulture in this movie, Winnie reminds me of Jason Voorhees because of his quiet and murderous personality and Tigger is very similar to Freddy Kreuger because of the way he looks and sounds.
Overall, “Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey 2” is a good movie to watch when it comes to streaming, as the cinematography is a lot better than the first film. If you liked the first film, then get ready for a heap of new childhood horror movies. Trends like this will become more and more popular as the years go on with public domains being released.