Let’s meet the cast behind the show, “Clue” performed by the VHS Drama Department
In November, the Ventura High School Drama Department presented their play, “Clue.” “Clue” is a board game that was originally thought of in 1943 yet finally made into a board game in 1949. 42 years later, they turned it into a movie which has recently led it into a play.
“Clue” features a mansion, six mysterious guests and a murder where the host turns up dead and they all become suspects. The lead cast at VHS consisted of Wadsworth the Butler played by Ada Sheeren ‘25, Miss Scarlet played by Marissa Stadmiller ‘25, Professor Plum played by Hudson Ham ‘26, Yvette played by Isabel Andrade ‘26, Mrs. White played by Karra Meyers ‘25, Mr. Green played by Jagger Smith ‘26, Mrs. Peacock played by Theodora Todd-Maldonado ‘26 and Colonel Mustard played by Oliver Henn ‘26.

Jagger Smith ‘26 has also been in the VHS plays “Discovering Amelia” and “Willy Wonka.” Smith said, “It’s a lot of fun and the show is coming together, the cast is great and Ms. Smith is an amazing teacher and a good role model. I want to become a better actor, be willing to try new things and to just be a better person overall.”
By starring in this play, Ada Sheeran ‘25 marked her fifth show here at VHS. Sheeran said, “It definitely is a lot of fun and it is a show that I’ve never really done. Our new drama teacher and director, Ms. Smith is a great teacher and it is great to see improvement in her and for me I have had a lot of fun with my friends and just making my acting skills better.”
Oliver Henn ‘26 has been in the theater since his freshman year, when he wanted to try something new. He has starred in the “Addams Family,” “Discovering Amelia” and “Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory.” Henn said, “I expect this show to be extremely hilarious, witty and clever and think that everyone should come to see it. Ms. Smith is a talented director with a prosperous career ahead of her.”
Sebastian Talamantez ‘28 said, “I think it will be a good show. I like that there is a murder involved too.”