The comedy-drama movie, “Mid90s,” was released on Oct. 19 of this year. The movie takes place in Los Angeles during the 1990s. The main character is a 13-year-old boy named Stevie. Stevie comes from an unstable home, having an abusive brother and a prostitute mother, without a dad in the picture. He tries to escape it all by hanging out with a new group of friends. His new friend’s hobbies include: skating, filming and partying. They all happen to come from broken homes as well and they often use skating as a distraction.
Senior Delaney Valdez said, “[“Mid90s”] was really good but it was really short, it was also kind of predictable and there wasn’t a real[ly] good plot. It was more of an ‘aesthetically pleasing’ movie because it’s ‘trendy’.”
Throughout the movie, the ‘90s style’ is prominently shown through clothing, hairstyles and communication, such as oversized jeans, bob cuts and the absence of cellular devices. This supports Valdez’s point of the movie’s aesthetic pleasure. This was one of my fixations on the movie, and honestly, I obtained new fashion ideas and trends from it.
Junior Tyler Biedebach shared, “I thought [“Mid90s”] would be a lighthearted movie about skating, but it ended up being a lot deeper than that. There were a couple weird scenes and I thought it ended sort of abruptly, but overall it was a pretty good movie.”
“Mid90s” is an hour and 24 minutes. I agree along with Valdez and Biedebach that it’s not long enough. However, like Valdez mentioned, the movie doesn’t necessarily have a plot, therefore, I believe any ending could’ve seemed ‘abrupt’.
Freshman Chloe Vaughan commented, “”Mid90s” is a really good movie. It’s funny, sad and honestly, very realistic. It is a must watch!”
Overall, watching Stevie learn about skate culture and evolve through danger, excitement and fun is very intriguing. I recommend this movie to anyone at Ventura High School because I personally enjoyed it.