The new Tesla Cybertruck fails to impress
[dropcap size=small]O[/dropcap]n Nov. 21, 2019, Elon Musk unveiled Tesla’s newest creation: the Cybertruck. Advertised to have bulletproof windows, a charging capacity to drive 500 miles, and the ability to accelerate from 0 mph to 60 mph in 2.9 seconds, Tesla spared no expense in their newest electric vehicle design.

Upon first seeing the Cybertruck, we were surprised by people’s positive reviews of it. Seriously? It looks like an airplane hanger on wheels. Futuristic cars are usually interesting in design, but the Cybertruck’s design is atrocious. How is this shipping container of a car supposed to be even remotely aerodynamic? We’re all for new designs, but the Cybertruck has taken it too far.

In contrast to our opinion, senior Omar Espinoza commented that, “[The Cybertruck] is really nice. It looks like a microwave, but I like it. It does a lot and it isn’t very expensive.”
Tesla advertises that the Cybertruck can accelerate from 0 mph to 60 mph in less than 3 seconds and has a charging range of up to 500 miles. But, this is only true when the Tri-Motor, all-wheel drive Cybertruck is purchased, making the truck far more expensive. The cheapest Cybertruck is a single motor, rear-wheel drive, which accelerates from 0 mph to 60 mph in less than 7 seconds and has a charging range of about 250 miles. The most affordable Cybertruck does not perform as advertised. If a consumer is looking for the Cybertruck as described by Musk, he or she will have to pay 30,000 dollars more than the cheapest, single motor vehicle.
The Cybertruck is only 16 inches off of the ground. Trucks are often used for offroading, driving in the mud, and camping, all outdoor activities in which the Cybertruck is likely to encounter an object higher than 16 inches. This takes away many outdoor capabilities of the Cybertruck. If you want to go offroading in your new electric Tesla truck, good luck. It seems like a complete waste of resources to design a truck and fail to include one of the main functions for a vehicle of this type.
The vehicle also is equipped with a chargeable all terrain vehicle (ATV) that “fits” in the bed of the truck. From the pictures we have seen though, it doesn’t look possible that it will fit with the cover on the back bed. Sophomore Juan Hernandez said when interviewed, “The Cybertruck doesn’t look capable of carrying an ATV in the so-called truck bed.”
In our opinion, Tesla Motors should stick to designing the high end electric vehicles that cater to environmentally-aware rich folk. The Cybertruck seems like a failed attempt to enter the utility vehicle market, a task that Elon Musk should never have attempted in the first place.