Finals are just around the corner
[dropcap size=small]A[/dropcap]s we know it, finals are coming in hot, and I mean HOT. Most students have the fear that they will procrastinate and are going to have to study the day before finals, causing them to possibly fail for lack of sleep. Finals are the chance to get your grades up if they are low. To some students, finals are the last resort to raise a grade. Most teachers’ grading scales are different, some might raise your grade or it might not budge at all. Some might even replace your lowest test grade.
Finals starts on Tuesday, Jan. 21 and end on Friday, Jan. 24. Tuesday starts with your seventh period. School begins at 7:36 like any normal day. Periods one through six will be 49 minutes and period seven will be two hours. So, you will have extra time to study if you don’t have a seventh period. Second and fifth period finals are on Wednesday, Jan 22. School begins at 8:00 and two hours after the bell, students are released for break. Break is only 20 minutes and after that begins the 5th period final for another two hours. School ends at 12:26. Thursday, Jan. 23, are third and sixth period finals. Finally Friday, Jan. 24, are the first and fourth period finals.
Hopefully before finals, students are able to study and pass their classes. When asked about what he thinks of finals this year, junior Alan Estrada said “I think that [finals] are going to be stressful since this will determine your final grade for the whole semester, which I am trying to do my very best [on] since my parents are strict with me about my grades.” Most students at VHS will stress for finals, but what about a freshman’s perspective on their first year of high school finals? Freshman Isabella Cabral said “I think it’s crazy that as a freshman, we are expected to be doing a test that we never prepared for in middle school.”
Overall, students don’t need to stress about a test. You will have a less chance of failing if you took notes everyday and look over them. Maybe look over your past tests you have taken. The important part of finals is to get enough sleep and study.