New SAP meeting categories announced
The Student Assistance program (SAP) office is located behind the cafeteria, near the big theater in room 41. Photo by: Ava Mohror
February 10, 2022
The Student Assistance Program (SAP) holds meetings for students who struggle with various issues and has just added three new categories for future meetings
The Student Assistance Program (SAP) has just announced the addition of three new categories for meetings. Previous categories include grief group, self-compassion, anxiety and stress management. The new categories are Ala-teen (teens affected by drugs/alcohol abuse at home), drug/alcohol and LGBTQ+. SAP encourages teachers to recommend students they think would benefit from attending any of the various types of meetings. However, students and family members can also recommend students for attending a SAP meeting.
According to, “SAP is a comprehensive school-based approach that coordinates support services and some direct services for students.” SAP is a California state-wide program that is implemented at many schools in California, customized to fit a specific school’s needs.
Senior Diane Villaloboz shared her experience after attending a SAP meeting, “I feel like it [SAP meetings] has benefited me because I can express my emotions without being judged.” Villaloboz has attended around seven meetings.

Sophomore Lia Gillam has had a different experience than Villaloboz with SAP meetings. Gillam said, “They [SAP meetings] didn’t benefit me at all.” Despite her opinion on attending SAP meetings, Gillam still felt safe while in the meeting.
The most common way a student will get informed they have been recommended to attend a SAP meeting is through a slip via the office. “I attended once but never went again even though I got slips for it,” said Gillam. Despite not wanting to return to a meeting, Gillam continued to get slips informing her of meetings.