Keep on the lookout for the VHS marching band
The VHS marching band performs at VHS athletic events and parades. It is made up of 50 musicians, including the color guard. Some instruments included in the marching band are trumpets, drums and saxophones. However, there are many more instruments involved. The band practices during zero periods on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, as well as on Friday afternoons and evenings and occasionally on Saturdays. Since 2010, the band has been directed by Paul Hunt, who is assisted by Evan Ilic.
The color guard participates in the marching band to make the performance more visual. The marching band wears matching uniforms of black, yellow and white. They also adorn Shakos, which are the hats they mainly wear. Shakos are shaped similarly to a bucket with a feather on the top.
Hendrix Lowder ‘27, tenor saxophonist, said, “I think the best part about it [the marching band] is just like the community and like the teamwork and companionship.” Lowder is beginning his first year in the band. He said, “It’s really great… I guess the hardest part is just waking up early.”
Maya Huizar ‘27, a baritone saxophonist, said the reason she joined the band was so she could have fun supporting VHS and receive PE credit. She said, “The marching band has an amazing bond, all thanks to our very good teachers [who] make us feel really welcome.”

Ilic said the reason he wanted to teach music was so he could share and pass on the knowledge he gained from his own music teachers. Ilic is also an assistant for the whole VHS music program, as well as the Cabrillo Middle School music department. He said that music has taught him a lot throughout his life.
Hunt said, “We have enthusiastic musicians who work hard, always give their best, support each other and come to the ensemble every day with [a] positive attitude. They create a very positive family atmosphere. [The musicians] learn how to function as a team, that their effort contributes to the overall success of the ensemble, along with confidence, endurance and accountability.”