Cougar Trail Crew works to make a difference in their community
Environmental impact starts locally, and that is exactly what a small group of VHS students are trying to achieve. The Cougar Trail Crew (CTC), supervised by Craig Carey in room 69, is brimming with student activists that assemble crews to work on trails at Harmon Canyon.
Removing invasive species is a main goal the CTC tackles, such as tamarisk, an invasive species that grows among the ravines and negatively impacts native plants. The crews, equipped with gloves and shovels, work to restore Harmon Canyon to its original pest-free state.
Carey said, “It’s been really gratifying to get students out helping on public lands and exposing them to parts of Ventura County they weren’t familiar with before. We work hard, but also learn a lot of practical skills and about conservation, native plants and how the indigenous inhabitants made use of the resources they had here.”
Harmon Canyon, a local Ventura oasis filled with unique trails and wildlife, which the CTC crew aspires to protect and preserve, Caleb Parsons ‘25, a member of the club said, “I love CTC, I wish to achieve things that many people don’t, to care and clean for those who can’t. I’m not there to ‘show off’ and chuck wood with one hand and what not. I love how what I do actually is making a good impact in life.”
Carey seems to be a favorite among his advisees. Parsons said, “I was encouraged to go because Mr. Carey is one of the coolest men, not just teacher, I have met. Great intent, great humor. He is great, and I am even inspired to grow a beard like him,please don’t tell him.”

Carey said, “We’re trying to encourage a service mindset among students, and build hearts of service in all. But especially after COVID, I think it’s really important to get kids and adults to reconnect with nature … being involved with the Cougar Trail Crew is a great way to do both.”
Parson said, “I see this program as a humble group of people of all kinds going out to the mountains to get jobs done. Not for money, not for pride. For the sheer fact that it’s what heroes do. Do I think I’m making a difference? I think I do, I think we all do. Everyone in CTC is making a big difference in this world with tiny little noticeable things. I love how in the end it is a job well done.”