The college fair is a place students can learn about colleges around the country

The college fair came to Ventura High School Oct. 10 in the Tuttle gym during 1st period. The college fair is an event where college representatives come to tell students about what their school requires, looks for and has to offer to students looking to attend their school. The colleges who came to VHS included Ventura College, Westmont, Channel Islands, Chico State, Monterey Bay, Calla, California State University Northridge, Oxnard College, Penn State, Santa Clara, Nebraska, Riverside, Pepperdine, University California Davis, University California San Diego, University California Santa Barbara, Hampden Sydney, University Pacific, Alabama, Santa Barbara Community College and University of California Irvine.
University of Nebraska representative Maddie Wirth said, “The university aims to expand the exposure of Nebraska students, offering a unique blend of a large university atmosphere with Division one athletics and smaller class sizes, which is attractive to many students. The university has around 25,000 students with an average class size of 25-30 students, making it appealing to those seeking a college that offers the best of both worlds.”
VHS teacher Ryan Snider said, “I love events like this. It gives opportunities to students to see colleges they might not see and places they might not know about. [It] just gives them another opportunity to kind of see what life is like after they graduate high school.”

Zachery Guettler ‘28 said, “I’m just checking out the colleges, seeing like some of the ones that my parents went to.”
Riley Kelly ‘25 said, “VC and Oxnard college because they offer really good academic courses.”
This year’s College fair saw 21 different colleges come out to VHS,and college reps from all around the nation came out to represent their school. Many VHS teachers brought their classes to the college fair to allow their students the opportunity of seeing colleges they could potentially go to.This event has seen a great turnout the last couple of years at VHS.This year it was held in the Tuttle gym during 1st period.There were colleges close to VHS like Ventura College and Oxnard College.There were also colleges very far away like the University of Alabama and the University of Penn State.