Sophomores can now take AP European History

Sophomore year is very exciting! Not only is freshman year over, but the classes are getting harder. Ventura High School sophomores have the privilege of having an AP course as an option in their second year of high school. AP classes are college level classes that can potentially give you college credit if you pass the AP exam in the spring. For sophomores, the first AP class that can be taken is AP European History, taught by Mr. Cruz.
For many tenth graders, it is important to take a chance and take on the challenge of an AP class. Sophomore Bree Roark expressed, “This class could be easier, but I know it’s going to benefit me in the long run.” Another sophomore taking this class, Manuel Gama, gives us more details by saying, “It helps me a lot with what’s to come because I want to go to college you know.” Colleges like to see that you have passed an AP class. “This class looks good on college applications, and teachers say it’s really good to take the test.” explains sophomore Kailey Hardin.
Some students realize the benefits, but are also aware of the hard challenges that come with this new class. Sophomore Damanjeet Khaira tells us, “I really like this class, but it can be really difficult at times. We have to do almost three hours of notes every night and that can get exhausting.” It seems as if this class is pushing the students to do bigger work loads in a compact amount of time, which Khaira agrees by saying, “I have never had this much work from a class before. I guess it’s a good thing though because it will prepare us for college.” Other students are nervous for what comes later in the class, the dreaded AP test.

Most students who are taking this class are taking the test at the end of the school year on May 6th. The AP European History test is known to be challenging, the test takes a grand total of three hours and 15 minutes with 55 multiple choice questions, three short answer questions, and two free response questions. A Lot of students are taking the test because they want to receive college credits that won’t be received if it isn’t taken. Roark asks rhetorically, “what’s the point of this class if you don’t take the test?” Her opinion is similar to many others in this class. Gama also illustrates on this topic by saying, “I would rather take the test this year because I really would rather not take it in college.” There are also many students who are intimidated by the test, including sophomore Jayla Ramirez. Ramirez tells us that she is “kind of scared for the AP test”, although she is “excited about the subject.”
Although this AP class is hard work and takes some serious motivation, it definitely has its pros. Students explained that it helps with college credits and the application process, leading to potentially saving some cash. By taking this class, students can not only broaden their education, but also can improve on their test-taking skills for the future. It might not be worth the extra work to some people, but most students try to incorporate a few AP classes into their schedules. Having a jump start in sophomore year in a great way to stay active in your education. It’s a confidence boost to congratulate yourself on passing such a difficult class.