I’m overworked, and most students say they are too
[dropcap size=small]I[/dropcap] think I’m overworked. Most of the students at Ventura High School can agree with me. I fair about three to four and a half hours of homework a night, and it’s really draining. “I do have a big homework load, I get home from cross country practice around 5 p.m. and start my homework around 6 p.m. and finish around 10 p.m. or 11 p.m., it sucks,” stated junior Devin Larsen.

Students on average spend 17.5 hours a week working on homework out of school according to education week according to an NPR study. I think that’s overwhelming. I know personally, doing more than three and a half hours of homework a night makes me feel tired and carries over to the next day. Some students who take honors and AP classes have it way worse than I do. “I mean I do like four maybe five hours of homework a night, it just depends if I have to work on an essay or a project. I usually have to, I take mostly honors and AP classes so it takes up a lot of my night,” stated sophomore Lyla Ingram.

It seems to me that most of the students at Ventura High School are overworked. Teachers should take it in their hands to make sure that students aren’t overworked and over stressed with their classes. “It would be helpful it teachers could communicate better so there wouldn’t be such a build up of work, the same with tests. The other day I took four tests and a quiz,” stated sophomore Kailin Wilson. I like to study for at least two hours for the topic the night before a big test. I dont have that much time to permit to studying for a test, I only could give around two to three hours and that’s not enough for me.
“I go to school at eight in the morning and get home at five in the afternoon, then I do tennis for an hour. After, I do homework so my day in France is very packed. But in [America] it is so nice. There’s so much less school and work to do,” stated junior Jeanne Florentin. “Students in France spend on average nine hours at school, compared to the seven and a half hours in America, but students in France only spend on average two hours a night on homework.”
With junior year coming up, I understand that more schoolwork and homework is to come. But what is too much for students? “I think the workload totally depends on the students and what they take, some will take a bunch of AP classes and complain about being overworked, but some know the balance,” said AP European history teacher Tyree Cruz. So how can we solve this? Hopefully one day the American government and the American student can work out a compromise.