Ever been tardy to school? Or had to leave for a doctor’s appointment? Maybe even pick something up from the office? Chances are that the students who have, had some kind of encounter with the attendance ladies in the office.

Photo by: Acacia Harrell and Summer Yovanno
Senior Kaine Miranda mentioned that one particular attendance staff member has helped him with many problems throughout the school years, “Just helping people out, more than attendance.”
When it comes to these encounters, students at Ventura High School are pretty split. Mostly upperclassmen students were asked to share their opinions on the controversial topic because they have most likely had the most experience with the attendance ladies.
Junior Nick Dominguez made a similar statement, “They are super nice and kind, super respectful when I walk in.”
However, some students didn’t have the same opinion. Junior Evelyn Tubbs said “I had one experience… [An attendance staff member] was talking back to me because I was late, it was rude.”
Senior Camryn Frost said “I feel like the attendance ladies are good intentioned but whenever I have to go there for something it just doesn’t feel like they want to help me to their best potential.” She went on to add, “I feel like they care, but when it comes to things we need to take care of they kind of see it as something that’s in their way.”
Many students talk to their friends about their experiences in the office, either conflicting or agreeing with each other. However, what many students don’t do, is see these situations from the staffs point of view. How often is it that students take the time to ask how the attendance ladies view them?
Attendance assistant, Catherine Tipton, said that “[This job] can be kind of stressful but most of the time a lot of the students are understanding.” She went on to say, “You respect me and I’m going to respect you, that’s what I try to do but you know, we’re not perfect, but that’s my goal every day, what I try to do is treat [students] with respect.”
Honestly, after talking to the attendance ladies in person, we realized they’re super busy and stressed out. Students have no idea how much they do for the school, not to mention that they are super kind hearted and care about students. So next time a student goes in the office, cut the attendance ladies some slack.