If one were to go up and ask someone what track and field is the common response would be that it’s a bunch of kids running. After asking a sophomore, who chooses to be anonymous, they said, “Track and Field is for people who like running and doing that one stick thing where they jump on the blue mat up on the track.” Track is the usually the focus which is pretty sad because it leads many kids astray from wanting to do track at all, since they believe the only thing you do is run. Although one does need the ability to run, that is not the only event they have to do. There are a variety of field events that would be great for people who don’t like to “just run” that gives them the opportunity work hard as well.
An example of a field event great for people ready to work hard and not kill their lungs too much, would be throwing. Not everyone knows about throwing so not many people do it and the majority of ones who do are male. Currently, on the throwing team there are 5 females and 13 males. Males are the majority because it is hard to find girls that don’t care if their physic changes as they began to lift and build body strength.

Even if you come in with no knowledge of what throwing is, take Senior Seth Quinn for example, a thrower and pole vaulter for the VHS track team when asked what events he knew before joining the track team he said, “I didn’t know what any events but high jump were before I joined track.” If asked before he joined track what throwing was he would have said “throwing what?”

I’m not the only one who thinks throwing is underrated, Junior Kaja Boas a thrower for the VHS track team said, “I think throwing is a little underrated in comparison with other events in track because when people think of track and field, the first thing to come to most people’s minds is usually running. Most dont know or don’t care about the field events as much as the track ones.” Boas came in with little knowledge of throwing other than hearing of discus and throwing a shotput once in middle school for fitness testing. Another thrower is Junior Anuhea Reed, who said, “Before I joined, I did not know what throwing was at all. Before I heard of a shotput but never knew the drive it took to be an experienced one. When I tell people I’m a thrower they say ‘what is that?’” Again not everyone has to come in with knowledge of throwing.
Personally, the only knowledge I had of throwing was from Cabrillo Middle School when they would have students underthrow a shot put as far they could for fitness testing. I joined because a friend recommended it freshman year so when try outs began, I went and made the team. Since then, I have not regretted joining, I’m a junior and it’s my third year throwing for the VHS Track and Field team. The people make you laugh and hardly ever let you be in a bad mood, even if you join and can’t throw the shot put or discus farther than ten feet that’s okay because after some weightlifting you’ll be there soon enough. Don’t be discouraged, Reed came in for her first year in Sophomore year and at the end threw a bit over thirty feet, you’ll get there you just have to be willing to work hard and have the want to get better.

Throwing should not be so overlooked, it should be advertised because I think there’s a lot of people out there who want to do a sport but are afraid to try out. Track and Field is a great place to start because everyone is welcoming and the throwers, being one of the smaller groups, is like being in another family, its welcoming and although a lot of work goes into being a decent thrower it is worth it in the very end. The VHS Track and Field team has great coaches and older students who really strive to make you better and feel welcome within the team. If you’re considering a sport, please do consider doing throwing because although you need a bigger build, no matter your body size, the JV throwing coach Richard Harrison will bring you to the point of having a good build to be a decent thrower. If you have the height and not the build, even that’s good enough!