The fall play that is being performed this year is Night Watch. It’s a dramatic mystery that will be performed at 7 p.m. Nov. 8 to Nov. 10, as well as Nov. 15 to Nov. 17, and at 2 p.m. Nov. 18. Although a lot of work has been put in by the actors, The Cougar Press decided to report on the behind-the-scenes work being put in by the tech crew and stagecraft students of Night Watch.
Set design, props, lights, sound, construction, decorating, curtains, blocking, marketing, hair, makeup, costumes–stagecraft and tech crew have got it all covered. The stagecraft class mainly focuses on building, decorating and designing the set, while the tech crew is in charge of everything else mentioned.
In regards to how the play is going so far, senior Kaitlyn Hildebrand, the stage manager of the play, said, “It’s going great and I am having a lot of fun watching [the] characters evolve and change as the cast gets more into their roles.” Hildebrand and her assistant Emily Corney are in charge of blocking, as well as all light and sound cues for the show. They will also attend every rehearsal and show the drama department puts on for Night Watch to make sure the cast knows what to say and do.
Rossiter says that the stagecraft class and the crew will try their hardest to make the play directly reflect the atmosphere of the play.
Also, every part of the play has had a lot of time and effort put into it and everyone involved does a great job, according to Rossiter. If you want to see Night Watch and support the work of the drama departme
nt, as well as stagecraft and tech crew’s attribution, you can go to the first show at 7 p.m., Thursday, Nov. 8 or any of the previously mentioned times.