Do you ever find yourself hurrying to do your homework over the weekend? Maybe you chill out, or just play video games. You could hangout or go shopping with your friends. Well, here is what some students at Ventura High School do over the weekend and how that affects their life at school.
Freshman Wyatt Mojo said, “Over the weekend I usually have a track meet and that will take up the whole day. If I don’t have a meet on Saturday or Sunday I will do something with my friends or family like hike or something. I feel like my school life isn’t very affected by what I do on the weekends. I’m usually trying to forget about school.”
Many other students such as freshmen Julia Jones and Johnny Buccola are doing a sport that is their first priority during the weekend.
Buccola stated, “Meets are fun because I get to compete for my school and be with my friends.”
Jones added, “Sometimes track meets can affect school because it’s hard to do homework.”
Weekends are enjoyable for students but also hard for them to find time to do school work. Buccola later added, “The last thing I do is work on schoolwork (or not) which either raises my grades or lowers them.”
On the other side of the spectrum, there are people who don’t do a sport but also don’t want to focus on school over the weekend. Freshman Lucy Ekberg said, “I hangout with my friends, and I think it does affect my school life because then I will forget to do my homework.”
Although this way of spending your weekend could potentially decrease your class grades significantly, some students think its ok to let it slide a couple of times.

One of these students include freshman Olivia Ball. Ball added, “Doing your homework is always a good idea to do first on the weekend, but it’s life you know. I think we should let loose and be kids once and awhile.”
This perspective seems to be very popular with students. Ball’s route brings a school awareness to the weekend, but still isn’t worried what may come up on the following Monday.
Contrary to both of the previous weekend standpoints. Freshman, Greta Pankratz explained, “I am pretty college bound so I really focus on getting my homework done first. Of course I hangout with my friends, duh I am a teenage girl. I also do ballet over the weekend, which I think keeps me sane. I would have to say that because I do all my homework on the weekends, my grades benefit from that.”
This route mirrors some honors and AP students who are determined to get into a university straight out of high school. People have said that this is more challenging and mentally draining but also has the best grade benefits.
All viewpoints on how the weekend affects your school life have advantages and disadvantages. At the same time though, all of the students interviewed seem to have fun.