“Lover”, Taylor Swift’s 7th album although uneven and immature is a fun, heartfelt album that is surprisingly somewhat enjoyable
I’ve been a Taylor Swift fan since the ripe age of 8 when I heard her song, “You Belong With Me”. I was immediately drawn to the appeal of the comforting tone of her vocals, catchy hooks, and relatable lyrics. I think these are the components that make her music so enjoyable and that have helped her gain her large following. Over the years, Swift’s style has evolved from a youthful alternative country sound to a modern pop sound.
Although still well composed I think with this evolvement her sound has become almost too conventional. I think Taylor Swift was once an original singer-songwriter but after about 2012 she started trying desperately to appeal to her young audience using an excessively basic pop style.

This is demonstrated in her latest album, “Lover”. “Lover” begins with the upbeat pop song, “I Forgot That You Existed”. This simple beat and piano chord progression along with her simple repetitive lyrics make this song extremely catchy and severely basic.
Next Swift adds a somewhat 80’s pop style song, “Cruel Summer”. This song is more of what I expected from Swift, a poetic, pretty song that is much more sophisticated than the last. It’s alright but nothing I would listen to again.
The next song on the album is a sweet, upbeat, ballet, “Lover”. I think this is the best song on this album. It’s a typical Taylor Swift song– the type that made me a fan of her music. It’s authentic, tells a beautiful story, and just a beautiful song. I wish more of the music on this album was more like this song– simple and real, not trying to be anything else. When asked what her favorite song off Swift’s album Sophomore Lauren Padilla said, “Lover” is [her] favorite” as well.
“The Man” is the next song on her album this is another not amazing average pop song with a dubstep drop which I find very unnecessary and annoying. This song is just another Taylor Swift song trying too hard to be pop. Next is, “The Archer” this song is just okay. It isn’t bad and kinda pretty there’s just no melody or hook. It’s like this song is Swift’s attempt to be Lana Del Ray when she is definitely not that.
The next two songs, “I Think He Knows” and “Miss Americana & The Heartbreak Price” are two upbeat mediocre songs. They’re both very basic and boring. I must admit Swift is a super great storyteller and all the songs in this album all tell great stories. The next song, “Paper Rings” is the next song on the album. This upbeat love song is my favorite on the album. The story and the lyrics are really interesting and the catchy melody makes it a decent song. I would listen to this song again!
I put the next songs on the album into two groups, decent and mediocre. The mediocre songs are, “Cornelia Street”, “London Boy”, “False God”, “ME!”, “Daylight”, and “It’s Nice to Have a Friend”. These songs are trying too hard to be pop and are just too conventional and basic.
Leaving only three decent songs. The first is “Death By A Thousand Cuts” this is a pretty good song. It’s catchy and clever. The lyrics are real and heartfelt. I would probably listen to this song again if I was going through a breakup or something similar.
Next is “Soon You’ll Get Better” (feat. Dixie Chicks). This is a super good song. It’s a classic Swift acoustic song that tells the story of her mom battling cancer. It’s a super beautiful song that made me cry. Taylor has an amazing ability to capture moments and feelings and conveying them through a song. She did that in this song. I think this is the best song on the album because its so real. The last song is “Afterglow”. This song is pretty decent. She changes keys in the middle which is interesting because we rarely get this from Swift. I think this song is pretty and super clever.
Swift has demonstrated her amazing songwriting ability and her ability. Although her style has changed and many fans still prefer her old songs– as Addison Weeks stated, “‘Love Story’ is a banger.” Although nothing like “Love Story” her album has demonstrated that her new style is very enjoyable. Through this album Swift has demonstrated her amazing songwriting ability and her ability to put a moment or feeling into a simple song.

Swift’s new album although a bit uneven it’s a fun, heartfelt album that has a couple of surprisingly enjoyable songs. Maybe Listen to it if you feel like excessively feminine and love struck pop music that will probably make you smile.