Whether you’re jumping on a plane, staying in bed for a week straight, or working 24/7, Ventura High School students are setting their intentions for the upcoming week of vacation.
Many students interviewed revealed, however, that they won’t be getting much rest from school due to their busy work schedules. Senior Isabel Mercado commented, “I work two jobs during the weekdays. I work as a mechanic at Concours Motors and on the weekend, as a waitress at Hill Street Cafe.”
Isabel also told The Cougar Press that her work is basically full-time so only her nights are left for relaxation. However, she added, “I’m kind of glad I’m getting more hours in for work and more hours doing automotive. Twins are about to pop out of my mom so the money is going towards baby formula.”
Senior Julia Offerman has long wanted to go on a cruise and excitedly revealed her plans to go on one this break with her best friend. Photo by: Saida Delgadillo
Senior Christine Martin said that she similarly doesn’t have such exciting plans, but that she will be visiting prospective schools for next year. She commented, “If I get into [UC] Berkeley, I will be visiting there and maybe [UC] Santa Cruz.” Besides her college visits, she will be putting in hours at her job at Surf ‘n Yogurt.
On the other side, other students excitedly revealed travel plans for their vacation. Sophomore Elisa McFadyen revealed, “For spring break, I will be going to [Lima,] Peru. My mom is from Peru, so we’re going to visit her hometown and just see South America.” She also added that she will be gone for the entire week and is glad to get away from the stresses of her year.
Seniors Paris Gaston and Luke Pfiefer are in a band with their older siblings called Socialeyes and during spring break they will be performing in their first away show in San Diego. Photo by: Saida Delgadillo
Senior Julia Offerman has also planned an entire week getaway, on a cruise trip with friend, senior Lizzy Tepaske. She told TCP, “We will be going to Cabo and Puerto Vallarta” and is excitingly looking forward to snorkeling on her vacation.
Lastly, some Cougars have planned interesting endeavours for the upcoming week, one being a house show at which they will perform with their band. Seniors Paris Gaston and Luke Pfeifer will be heading for San Diego with their band Socialeyes.
They added that the band consists of Gaston, her sister, a VHS alumni, Elle Gaston, Pfeifer and his brother, Joel Pfeifer. They mostly play alternative rock music along with many cover songs, consisting of artists such as Sublime and No Doubt. They added that they were excited as this is their first gig away.