Opinion: Where are the best places to run in Ventura County?

The view from the beach promenade is another bonus to running there. Photo by: Brody Daw

Brody Daw and Sophia Denzler

Six different places to explore on your next run

Ventura County is one of the best places to run, with ideal weather conditions almost all the time. It runs from the foothills to close to the beach so that you can get the best of both worlds. Running is extremely mental, which is why it is so important to have a beautiful view and good company or music to keep you occupied. The best running place in Ventura County is definitely on the beach. San Pedro State Beach is an optimal location, with Starbucks and frozen yogurt nearby. It is a very scenic run. You can look out at the islands and the waves to distract you from your pain. You don’t have to worry about the cars. However, sometimes you do veer dangerously close to oncoming traffic.

 The unfortunate part is running back from SPSB because the sun blinds you, but only if you are running back between the hours of 9 to 10 a.m. 

Amelia McLeod ‘24 said, “The beach is my favorite place to run, nothing tops it.” 

The other common spots that the VHS cross country team and track and field team run near are Arroyo Verde Park, Camino Real Park, Kimball Park, Foster Park and the Harmon Canyon Preserve. While most of these are still great options, most are hilly and mentally grueling, without the pretty view of the beach. Arroyo Verde Park consists of difficult terrain that is inconsistent and uphill. While a great place for a hike, a jog or a run is one you must be prepared for. It will not be a saunter in the park, but rather a workout that will take grit and mental strength. 

Bailey Burman ‘25 said, “The beach is definitely the best running location in Ventura. It’s so beautiful and I love running there with my friends.”

Camino Real Park is a good place for running beginners. However if you wished to go further than a mile, it would quickly become tedious. Kimball is relatively spacious compared to Camino Real, with one loop averaging about 1.5 miles. The scenery is dreary and bland, but if you run on a Saturday, you can observe children’s soccer games, which might provide an interesting distraction to your run. Foster Park is an excellent place to run, especially if you are planning on going far. In the winter, it is around 32 degrees in the morning, and the heat in the summer is sweltering. Harmon Canyon is completely uphill on the way there, then downhill on the way back, but the views are mainly constructed of dust and bland landscape. 

The beach is the best place to run because it is beautiful, and we are fortunate to live and experience it everyday. Jumping into the water after a long exhausting run is always a highlight. California is so expensive, partly because of the beach and the weather that frequently is warm and sunny. The process of running is very mental, so it is always helpful to have a view that provides a distraction.

This is the view from Foster Park, a common place for runners to do their long runs. Photo by: Brody Daw

Living in California, the beach is an attribute that Ventura is lucky to experience. The best way to appreciate what we have is to enjoy it as often as possible. In conclusion, because of the availability, the location, and the alternatives, the beach is the best place to run if you are looking for a scenic and entertaining time.