Have you ever noticed that high schoolers in movies and television shows dress so different from the real high schooler’s

Photo by: Bailey Peck
sense of style. Say, “Mean Girls,” “Clueless,” “Gossip Girl?”
Side by side, the fashion on TV versus real life would probably look pretty ridiculous. Let’s see what high schoolers are wearing now and… would they ever wear what’s in the movies?
Junior Luke Pfeifer explained his style: “I’m wearing a Green Bay hat, a red windbreaker, skate shoes and dickies. I like being stylish.”
Junior Rhianne Martinez described her style saying, “This shirt I’m wearing is probably from a thrift store or from a retail store. There’s a red long sleeve that was my mom’s and I cut the sleeves because I thought it was too long. And then I got some pants for work but I wore them to school.”
Junior Haley Elson talked about what she was wearing, “I’m wearing Levi’s jeans right now and then I’m wearing this black tank top that’s really low in the back. It’s got a cool crossed back.” Elson added, “I’m wearing some scrunchies from urban outfitters and some necklaces and rings from Betty Belts.”
Ventura High School students have a much more normal sense of style than high school kids on TV when it comes down to a side-by-side comparison.