Makin’ lemonade out of lemons


Sophomore Addison Ragsdale got to run in her first cross country meet of the year, showing off all her hard work. Photo by Addison Ragsdale

Livia Vertucci

What have VHS students been up to these past months?

The past 11 months have been nothing like we’ve experienced before. We’ve been stuck at home so long that it’s almost as if this is normal. Being safe at home means not being able to get together with friends at school or after school like we usually would. This has forced Ventura High School students to be creative about having fun and being entertained. 

Instead of going to extracurricular activities, students Facetime with friends from their bedrooms to chat or do homework, play video games together online or participate in workout competitions. Some students have spent their time at home wisely by developing new hobbies, like learning to ride a skateboard, making friendship bracelets, drawing and watching many Netflix shows. 

With her time at home, sophomore Sofia Stephan has tried some new things. “I’ve picked up many new hobbies like crocheting, which really helps me relax and jewelry making where I got to make matching jewelry with my friends. I’ve also started roller skating, which is making me go outside and explore my neighborhood with my two brothers.” 

One form of entertainment that seems to have universal appeal for most teens is TikTok. With TikTok, teens can experience the same trends, send funny videos to each other and even learn skills like cooking, art and decorating. This virtual connection has made being at home a little more bearable. Some even say that having TikTok makes them feel less alone and that others are experiencing the same ups and downs.

One TikTok creator that caught sophomore Liam Genkel’s eye is one involving Pudgy, a small, scruffy 11-year-dog. “My favorite TikTok trend right now is the ‘owa owa’ dog. He makes weird barks that sound like he is saying ‘owa, owa.’ Sometimes his owner scares him and he growls and bites the mic. He’s a funny-looking dog, which makes the whole thing hilarious.”

VHS students at home have been finding new hobbies. Sophomore Sofia Stephan took up rollerskating this past year. Photo by Sofia Stephan.

Sophomore Sofia Stephan also has some favorite TikToks. “My favorite TikTok creator right now is Spencer and his boyfriend.” Popular TikTok creator Spencer has been sharing his life with his boyfriend, Luis. Because of the pandemic, Spencer has had to find creative ways to interact with his boyfriend while still being safe and setting a good example. “They are cute and make me cry, in a good way, they give me hope for my future” Creators like Spence and Pudgy have given students a nice laugh to lighten the mood. 

Even though the pandemic isn’t over, VHS students are still making efforts to connect, fun and have made the best out of the situation. One of these days, life will go back to normal and we will get to go to school and spend time with others. These memories and connections that we make now will last with students for years to come.