Many styles dominate the Ventura High School campus, but the most prominent styles of the past two months have revolved around 90s grunge style, and second-hand styles that revolved around Depop, thrift stores and Buffalo Exchange. We have seen the current styles come to age once again. One of the trends that we have noticed that has become to popular has been rosary chains.

The rosary chains were commonly a symbol of religion, however now they are a style piece. They can easily be found online at cheaper prices or expensive depending on the individuals personal choice of value. You can also find them in thrift stores around Ventura. The chains make the perfect accessory to anyone’s wardrobe as you can get some very unique ones that make an outfit really stand out.
Dickies have also long been a staple for everyday work wear but now they have become a staple for your average high school student’s style. “I love Dickies, they are great for any outfit,” said freshman Lyla Ingram.
At first, the skater culture wore them for their appearance, but Dickies will always be a trend in some way even when they die out in mainstream culture, as people will continue to buy and wear them for their durability and quality.
Doc Martens have always been worn by a lot of people now more than ever, with the trend of 90s grunge Doc Martens have made a comeback in less intense waves.

Doc Marten has long been praised for how comfortable and long lasting they are once properly broken into, plus they’re style of simplicity makes them a great addition to any look. That could be why so many people like them once again. It appears that there won’t be an end to Doc Martens reign as one of the most stylish shoes on the market. ¨I love how they match with denim,¨ said freshman Olivia Ramirez.
Levi’s brand which has been relevant for the past 165 years has been known for its durability, comfortability and style. It has long been a go to brand for jeans, long before it was the boot cut or mom jean trend. The brand was worn by your everyday person.
Recently the trend of high waisted mom jeans has made a recurrence, so in turn Levi’s and other brands prevalent in the 90s have become popular. According to the Levi’s website, the denim industry has grown 10 percent over the last year thanks to the trend. Brands like Levi’s stocks have risen from $15 dollars a share to $30 dollars a share.
Another brand, Réalisation Par, has recently joined the game of dresses, with their flowy summer dresses perfect for sunny Ventura. The dresses have come under fire recently for their high price point and poor quality, however with those facts pointed out, people still buy the dresses. They have recently been spotted on campus during dances and during school and people have noted that they are very comfy and very flattering.
Overall, the trends around Ventura High are classic and practical. These styles continue to change and develop over time always with a reference to a past style.