Ventura High School’s “What?” Improv Troupe tryouts were held Thursday, Sept. 20 and Friday, Sept. 21 from 3:30 to 5:30. The tryouts were open and held in Stefoni Rossiter’s classroom (room 314), meaning that anyone could stop by to watch.

There were about 60 students trying out, and according to Rossiter, the troupe is typically 16-22 students. She commented that if everyone sitting in her classroom would try out, it would be highly competitive. Because of this, she commented she is looking for more than funny, but a team player and someone committed to the games.

When asked about the process, senior Ren Tallent stated, “It was incredibly nerve-wracking having to think on my feet the whole time, but knowing that everyone wanted the same thing I did and that we were all rooting for each other, made it easier.”
Rossiter previously stated that the decision would come out Saturday, Sept. 22, before noon, but the list of the troupe members came out early— on Friday, Sept. 21, a few hours after the tryouts.

At the tryouts, on the first day, they played Revolving Monologue and ABC, and on the second day, Three Peat and Freeze — all typical improv games played in drama class.

Tallent continued, “It was a cool experience to have a room so full of laughter, and it made everyone who tried out more confident.”
The fall Backstage Cafes are on Oct. 12 and 13, and the spring shows are on March 8 and 9.