Starting as a bib-overall company in 1922, the work wear brand Dickie has only grown in popularity and versatility.
According to Dickie’s website, the brand Dickies bases all the way back to World War II when they produced millions of uniforms for America’s armed forces. Looking at the demographics from, 350,000 out of the 16 million were women. With only 2.2 percent of the armed forces being women, presumably most of the uniforms were made for, worn by and popularized by men.

According to a poll conducted by the Cougar Press on Twitter, more students wear men’s style Dickies than they do women’s style. Another poll by the Cougar Press reported that 11 percent more girls wore Dickies than guys do. This being said, not only are there more girls wearing Dickies than guys, more girls are wearing men’s style Dickies than they are women’s.
Ventura High School senior Margaret Kuzela voiced her opinion on this: “I also think for girls it’s kinda different, because there used to be a stigma about girls wearing kinda masculine clothes but I think nowadays it’s more like you can wear whatever you want and it’s okay to be comfortable.”
Comfort seemed to be a part of the popularity of Dickies among Ventura High School students. Junior Cody Black stated, “I have like three pairs and I just like them because they are comfortable and like functional and you can wear them a lot before they get like really dirty.”
Agreeing with the comfort and versatility, freshman Olivia Ball stated, “Dickies are very comfortable. Girls and guys can wear them.”
With Dickies prices averaging between $20-$30, they are compelling for students like junior Luke Peek who commented, “I like wearing Dickies because they’re like $20 at Walmart and I don’t want to spend like $40 on jeans.”

According to article from Maxim and The Cut written in 2017, Dickies are “… suddenly the coolest pants on the planet” and “the most popular men’s pants right now…” For the student at VHS, the popularity of Dickies has seemingly gone up.